Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Tender Day

This morning Lisa and Andy flew into Phoenix and we all went to church. It was a wonderful mega-church the size of SECC called Christ Church of the Valley. After we went and had a lovely lunch at Lorie and Bruce's. We spent a quite afternoon reconnecting. Andy had only met Halima and Jessie on SKYPE. Lisa spent two weeks with them in Nairobi but it had been about a month since she had seen them. It was a touching reunion.

Halima and Lisa packed up Jessie's things, we had done Halima's yesterday so they are ready to go.
We went out to Mexican again. Enjoying the delicious southwestern cuisine while we can.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of their lives, a major turning point for both of them. It's good-bye to Phoenix tomorrow.


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