Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Resting in Joplin, MO

We have our first day under our belts. (Mine by the way dropped three holes in two days! Guess swelling was part of the symptoms! Wish the shrinking would keep going!!) For us this was a quiet restful day.

Halima has had ladies showing up with dishes and stuff, lots of stuff. She is in a small apartment and has no where to put it. I told her to shove it in a corner and forget about it. She's leaving in four days.

I then asked if she had a TV. She does. No antenna. But she can get fuzzy Spanish stations. She's travelled thousand and thousands of miles to one of the most technological countries in the world to get fuzzy Spanish soaps! Even in Narok she got fuzzy English soaps!

But have no fear about the accumulating stuff in her corners. The neighbor found out she's leaving.....


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