Sunday, September 27, 2009

Home At Last

Praise the Lord for His grace and wisdom! Halima and Jessie are home at last. We arrived Friday after our long drive from Phoenix.

I had previously committed to a cat show so to honor that commitment I turned around and drove to Ohio. (Our kitten did very well!)

Halima and Jim slept late Saturday and as many of you know attended the Upper Room to hear Dr. Byrd's teaching on James. We are so grateful to Terry Payton and Dr. Byrd for their outstanding job filling in for Jim. Sunday we all went to Faith Class and the worship service. Then to a Cuban restaurant for lunch. Halima thinks all Americans do is eat because every time we turn around we are going to a restaurant and of course she is right! I'll cook something tomorrow and we'll settle into a routine.

We were able to SKYPE with Lise and Jessie this afternoon. Jessie was very excited to see Halima! She is doing very well in her new home and we praise God for her adjustment. They are coming to Louisville Sunday to for a visit so Halima can continue her relationship as Jessie's Mama while Lisa is her Mommy.

We are all exhausted still but thrilled to be home. We thank you all for your prayers and support in bringing them home. May God bless you all.


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