Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Class News Letter September 6, 2009

Halima and Jesse are in  Phoenix

  • Halima and Jesse are in Phoenix
  • Bill Smith surgery on the 16th
  • Carl's son-difficulties
Class went to WW Cousins
Thanks to Carl and Carol for bringing cookies
Email suggestions for next study to
Jim Pippen at Jamesapippen@yahoo.com
Suggestions are Romans, spiritual warfare, or one of the gospels
We have a new class blog at

September birthdays and anniversaries
Greg Harler 9/14
Mary Payton 9/21
Jerry Harler 9/30
Linda & Mike Brumback 9/8
Please let me know if I've missed someone.

We will be out of town this week. If you have an immediate prayer need please contact Beth Cecil at   tonycecil@bellsouth.net
We are in chapter 2 of James.


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