Saturday, September 19, 2009

Report from the Pippen Zoo

Most of you know that we have many animals. Though you might want an update on how they and their caretakers are doing.

Cody/Annie two five lb. dogs joined at the hip are staying with Mary and Terry who have a 7 lb dog named Savannah. All the dogs are trained to use wee wee pads. Now Cody being a boy will pee on any pad, he is not picky. Annie and Savannah being girls are very picky. Annie feels it is her roll in life to pee on every object on the floor that is rectangular in shape. Savannah feels it is beneath her dignity to pee on anything anyone else has peed on.

No Mary and Terry have been forced to write each dogs name of their own wee wee pad to avoid conflict. Mary is now teaching the dogs to read. Please pray for her.

Lovey/Grumman/Grace three 7 month old Birman kittens are staying with Karen who have many Birmans. Karen is a breeder and in a moment of insanity decided to breed all her girls at the same time. Now the kittens are out of their birthing boxes. Karen was last seen standing on her kitchen counter waving her litter scoop yelling, "bad kitty, bad kitty!" as 20 kittens stampede through her house with Lovey in the lead. Please pray for her.

Last is Trilly/Honeydew two Persian spays and Faith a Birman. They are at home with Susan coming over to visit them. She has the Bose playing classical music and is having precious moments with the Birman. Her full name is Faith-in-God so you don't need to pray for Susan.

Perhaps getting a Somali refugee and her baby and going cross country isn't so bad! More about Halima and Jessie tonight.


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