Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Bit of a Black Hole of Communication

We are in Colorado Springs. We will be home this Friday if all goes as planned. Since nothing on this trip has gone as planned don't hold your breath! After a night and part of a day in the Grand Canyon we gave up on "vacationing" and turned toward home.

Communication in northern Arizona between reservations (Navajo) and no cell phone is non-existent. I did find a Texas horn toad who agreed to bring you all a message but I think he lied!

We spent the night in Cameron and then today across the reservation, through Pagosa Springs (where we used to live), and into the snow and 36 degrees of the mountains to yet another hotel in Colorado Springs whose wireless Internet doesn't work. Anyway I'm in the lobby. There here are some adorable photos of Jessie on Facebook (on my wall from Lisa). Halima seems relieved to be going home. We can't get there fast enough. Pray for us all.

See you this weekend.


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