Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Learning America cell phones, drive thrus and God always

The family of God has been sent in so many ways to help carry Halima and Jessie through this. One is our angel Lorie. She is the mother-in-law of the sister of Jeff Ballard who is the Singles Minister at our church under whom we teach the Faith Class on Sundays. She lives 9 minutes from Halima and has come along side she and Jessie to help. Here is an excerpt from her e-mail about their adventure last night:

"Needless to say, Halima is thrilled with her cell phone. I wish you could have seen her. She was like a little girl. I'm sure she'll be that way all over again when she sees you this week end.The third man at the Verizon store was a gift from God. At some point, his attitude changed. There were two things I signed for that you were supposed to sign for. One was the change you made in the phone numbers [can't remember what the change was] and the other was to sign to have the phone activated. The other two guys were not going to do that. This third guy walked us to the door [we were there after hours] so he had to let us out. When we were outside he said to me that he could see we have a "situation" here. Then he said his wife is a refugee and he lives with immigration issues. I thanked him and told him I would be praying for he and his wife. Really, he was a God-send. Halima and I had asked God to make this work and He did just that.So then we went to Wendy's for a cheese burger for Halima and frosties. Apparently she has never been through a drive through. She couldn't figure out who I was talking to and where our food was coming from. It was fun. I explained to her that I had to get home so we would have to celebrate in the car. It really was a hoot.She's a dear and I can see why you love her so. Jesse is too. Tonight she hugged me and kissed me good by. Two sweet kiddos."


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