Saturday, September 19, 2009

Maternal Activities

Today we went shopping. Do you have any idea what American bathing suits look like to a former Muslim woman? Like something God will get you if you wore one! After much searching we found a modest one piece which we paired with a pair of sports shorts.

Halima is amazed at how fat and lazy Americans are! And agast at the restaurants and portions. Food, food,, cars, cars. African's have little food and no cars so lots of walking.

We met two Somali families that live in Halima's apartment complex.It is so neat hearing her speak Somali. Everyone is a refugee from all over the world. Most are from Thailand but just about every continent is represented. Zillions of children running about.

We ate at Aunt Chilada's and had great Mexican food. Very tired. Going to sleep. May God bless you all.


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