Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Something to Think About

"How is it that many who profess and call themselves Christians, do so little for the Savior whose name they bear? How is it that many, whose faith and grace it would be uncharitable to deny, work so little, give to little, say so little, take so little pains to promote Christ’s cause and bring glory to Christ in the world?

These questions admit of only one answer. It is a low sense of debt and obligation to Christ, which is the amount of the whole matter. Let us daily pray that we may see the sinfulness of sin, and the amazing grace of Christ, more clearly and distinctly.”
J.C. Ryle


Monday, September 28, 2009

Class News Letter for September 27, 2009

The Upper Room News Letter September 27, 2009

Halima is home in Louisville with the Pippens

  • Lost
  • Unspoken
  • Bill Smith surgery on the 16th(hip replacement)
  • Emily Laden-H1N1 Flu-in critical condition
  • Class went to Pizza Hut for dinner
  • Rick and Sherry Rowe graduate next Saturday, Oct. 3rd
Guest speaker,Dr. Byrd, spoke on chapter 4 of James

September birthdays and anniversaries
Greg Harler 9/14
Mary Payton 9/21
Sue Silvano 9/25
Jerry Harler 9/30
Linda & Mike Brumback 9/8
Please let me know if I've missed someone.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Pictures of the New Families


Home At Last

Praise the Lord for His grace and wisdom! Halima and Jessie are home at last. We arrived Friday after our long drive from Phoenix.

I had previously committed to a cat show so to honor that commitment I turned around and drove to Ohio. (Our kitten did very well!)

Halima and Jim slept late Saturday and as many of you know attended the Upper Room to hear Dr. Byrd's teaching on James. We are so grateful to Terry Payton and Dr. Byrd for their outstanding job filling in for Jim. Sunday we all went to Faith Class and the worship service. Then to a Cuban restaurant for lunch. Halima thinks all Americans do is eat because every time we turn around we are going to a restaurant and of course she is right! I'll cook something tomorrow and we'll settle into a routine.

We were able to SKYPE with Lise and Jessie this afternoon. Jessie was very excited to see Halima! She is doing very well in her new home and we praise God for her adjustment. They are coming to Louisville Sunday to for a visit so Halima can continue her relationship as Jessie's Mama while Lisa is her Mommy.

We are all exhausted still but thrilled to be home. We thank you all for your prayers and support in bringing them home. May God bless you all.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Almost Home

We are Missouri and will be home tomorrow afternoon. We drove over 700 miles today! Jessie's picture are on my facebook now, I hope. Halima is doing better. More like her usually wonderful self.

Halima thanks everyone for their prayers for her and Jessie.

We'll see you this weekend.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Bit of a Black Hole of Communication

We are in Colorado Springs. We will be home this Friday if all goes as planned. Since nothing on this trip has gone as planned don't hold your breath! After a night and part of a day in the Grand Canyon we gave up on "vacationing" and turned toward home.

Communication in northern Arizona between reservations (Navajo) and no cell phone is non-existent. I did find a Texas horn toad who agreed to bring you all a message but I think he lied!

We spent the night in Cameron and then today across the reservation, through Pagosa Springs (where we used to live), and into the snow and 36 degrees of the mountains to yet another hotel in Colorado Springs whose wireless Internet doesn't work. Anyway I'm in the lobby. There here are some adorable photos of Jessie on Facebook (on my wall from Lisa). Halima seems relieved to be going home. We can't get there fast enough. Pray for us all.

See you this weekend.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Bitter Sweet Senario

Sorry I didn't write last night. We are at the Canyon (Grand that is) and we don't have Internet in our room. Jim and I are in the lobby of the main motel now and can get online. Halima is sleeping. It was a long and painful day for her. Lorrie let us know that Jessie didn't cry when we slipped out and Lisa and Andy kept her attention. Halima wanted it the easiest for Jessie. They boarded the plane and Jessie slept throughout the flight on their laps. We haven't heard how things are this morning as she meets the 6 other children but we will by tonight's entry.

Halima is as you might expect, very sad and withdrawn. Our hearts ache for our daughter and wish we could make this love of her daughter not be so painful to the mama. Tonight hopefully we will be able to SKYPE. I keep remembering when David left for college and I was so sad for so long until he came come for the holidays and I experienced being a family even though he didn't live with us any longer. It's not the same but perhaps the principle is. When they reconnect Halima will know she will always be her mama and always be in relationship with her no matter where she lives. I pray that is so.

Please pray for Halima that God will give her comfort and peace as she goes through this grieving process.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Tender Day

This morning Lisa and Andy flew into Phoenix and we all went to church. It was a wonderful mega-church the size of SECC called Christ Church of the Valley. After we went and had a lovely lunch at Lorie and Bruce's. We spent a quite afternoon reconnecting. Andy had only met Halima and Jessie on SKYPE. Lisa spent two weeks with them in Nairobi but it had been about a month since she had seen them. It was a touching reunion.

Halima and Lisa packed up Jessie's things, we had done Halima's yesterday so they are ready to go.
We went out to Mexican again. Enjoying the delicious southwestern cuisine while we can.

Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of their lives, a major turning point for both of them. It's good-bye to Phoenix tomorrow.


Class News Letter For September 19, 2009


  • Jim and Kathleen are in Phoenix with Halima and Jesse
  • Dr. Larry Tyler (Sandy's cousin) back to teaching at Speed School

  • Lost & unspoken
  • Jim, Kathleen, Halima, and Jesse
  • Bill Smith surgery on the 16th(hip replacement)
  • Floriene Byrd
  • Emily Laden-H1N1 Flu-in critical condition
  • Pauline (Payton's neighbor) severe infection
  • Bill (Lee's brother) back in Oaklawn recuperating from shoulder replacement, infection, and 2 pins in hip
  • Class went to Cheddars for dinner
  • Kathleen is posting their trip updates on our class blog

Terry Payton taught chapter 3 of James this week.

September birthdays and anniversaries
Greg Harler 9/14
Mary Payton 9/21
Jerry Harler 9/30
Linda & Mike Brumback 9/8


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Maternal Activities

Today we went shopping. Do you have any idea what American bathing suits look like to a former Muslim woman? Like something God will get you if you wore one! After much searching we found a modest one piece which we paired with a pair of sports shorts.

Halima is amazed at how fat and lazy Americans are! And agast at the restaurants and portions. Food, food,, cars, cars. African's have little food and no cars so lots of walking.

We met two Somali families that live in Halima's apartment complex.It is so neat hearing her speak Somali. Everyone is a refugee from all over the world. Most are from Thailand but just about every continent is represented. Zillions of children running about.

We ate at Aunt Chilada's and had great Mexican food. Very tired. Going to sleep. May God bless you all.


Report from the Pippen Zoo

Most of you know that we have many animals. Though you might want an update on how they and their caretakers are doing.

Cody/Annie two five lb. dogs joined at the hip are staying with Mary and Terry who have a 7 lb dog named Savannah. All the dogs are trained to use wee wee pads. Now Cody being a boy will pee on any pad, he is not picky. Annie and Savannah being girls are very picky. Annie feels it is her roll in life to pee on every object on the floor that is rectangular in shape. Savannah feels it is beneath her dignity to pee on anything anyone else has peed on.

No Mary and Terry have been forced to write each dogs name of their own wee wee pad to avoid conflict. Mary is now teaching the dogs to read. Please pray for her.

Lovey/Grumman/Grace three 7 month old Birman kittens are staying with Karen who have many Birmans. Karen is a breeder and in a moment of insanity decided to breed all her girls at the same time. Now the kittens are out of their birthing boxes. Karen was last seen standing on her kitchen counter waving her litter scoop yelling, "bad kitty, bad kitty!" as 20 kittens stampede through her house with Lovey in the lead. Please pray for her.

Last is Trilly/Honeydew two Persian spays and Faith a Birman. They are at home with Susan coming over to visit them. She has the Bose playing classical music and is having precious moments with the Birman. Her full name is Faith-in-God so you don't need to pray for Susan.

Perhaps getting a Somali refugee and her baby and going cross country isn't so bad! More about Halima and Jessie tonight.


Friday, September 18, 2009

Resting in the Home of Our Angel

Hallelujah! We have her after all this time and we are not going to let her go! We arrived late this afternoon and with screams and cheers we found Halima and Jessie. Jessie has grown so much in just 3 months and Halima is as beautiful as ever. We visited, went through her papers which all said Louisville, why are we in Phoenix??? Met a very sweet Somali lady and her parakeets.

Now we are at Lorie's. She's our angel and as wonderful as can be. So is her husband, Bruce. Yes angels do marry and have kids and grand kids. Bet you missed that in your bible study. Well I can attest that it is true.

Halima's apartment is full of stuff...lots of stuff...guess Catholic Charities likes to give the refugees boxes of material scraps...two large boxes of material scraps. Now mind you Halima doesn't sew, doesn't have a sewing machine, or for that matter does even have a needle and thread, but she has two large boxes of scraps.

We are so blessed to be here with Halima and Jessie at last. We are resting in God's own angel he's sent to minister to us.

By the way Halima has had her texting phone for two days and has 176 texts on it already?? How do teenagers do this?


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Santa Rosa Solitude

Well another day on the road. We do live in a beautiful country! It's been wetter out west than usual so things are green -- even in New Mexico which is where Santa Rosa is. I've been texting all day and am developing strange pains in my hands! How do the kids average 200 a day!! Yes the average teenager sends 200 texts a day! My mom thought my phone calls were a bit much when I was a teen but this is nuts!

Besides learn such tidbits as above and learning that Halima was doing laundry, Karen paperwork, Tricia leading her uncle to Christ on his death bed, Mary......wait did I say Tricia's uncle declared his belief in his salvation because of Jesus dying on the cross? Yes indeed, praise the Lord! It's been a good day.

We will make it into Phoenix tomorrow and our angel, Lorie, has invited us to dinner. We will see Halima and Jessie and we are so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight we ate yummy Mexican food. I had green chili potato stew. Can't seem to get green chili (made with pork) out of the southwest and I've missed it. It is so good to be back in the West again. Guess I missed it more than I realized.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Resting in Joplin, MO

We have our first day under our belts. (Mine by the way dropped three holes in two days! Guess swelling was part of the symptoms! Wish the shrinking would keep going!!) For us this was a quiet restful day.

Halima has had ladies showing up with dishes and stuff, lots of stuff. She is in a small apartment and has no where to put it. I told her to shove it in a corner and forget about it. She's leaving in four days.

I then asked if she had a TV. She does. No antenna. But she can get fuzzy Spanish stations. She's travelled thousand and thousands of miles to one of the most technological countries in the world to get fuzzy Spanish soaps! Even in Narok she got fuzzy English soaps!

But have no fear about the accumulating stuff in her corners. The neighbor found out she's leaving.....


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Learning America cell phones, drive thrus and God always

The family of God has been sent in so many ways to help carry Halima and Jessie through this. One is our angel Lorie. She is the mother-in-law of the sister of Jeff Ballard who is the Singles Minister at our church under whom we teach the Faith Class on Sundays. She lives 9 minutes from Halima and has come along side she and Jessie to help. Here is an excerpt from her e-mail about their adventure last night:

"Needless to say, Halima is thrilled with her cell phone. I wish you could have seen her. She was like a little girl. I'm sure she'll be that way all over again when she sees you this week end.The third man at the Verizon store was a gift from God. At some point, his attitude changed. There were two things I signed for that you were supposed to sign for. One was the change you made in the phone numbers [can't remember what the change was] and the other was to sign to have the phone activated. The other two guys were not going to do that. This third guy walked us to the door [we were there after hours] so he had to let us out. When we were outside he said to me that he could see we have a "situation" here. Then he said his wife is a refugee and he lives with immigration issues. I thanked him and told him I would be praying for he and his wife. Really, he was a God-send. Halima and I had asked God to make this work and He did just that.So then we went to Wendy's for a cheese burger for Halima and frosties. Apparently she has never been through a drive through. She couldn't figure out who I was talking to and where our food was coming from. It was fun. I explained to her that I had to get home so we would have to celebrate in the car. It really was a hoot.She's a dear and I can see why you love her so. Jesse is too. Tonight she hugged me and kissed me good by. Two sweet kiddos."


Monday, September 14, 2009

The Last Leg of Halima's Journey

Dear friends,
We will keep you updated on this adventure of bringing our Somali daughter home. We are making plans to leave 9/16, Wednesday morning.

For now a bit of a cute story. With all the wonders she's seen since leaving Africa, the one she was most excited about was the parakeets in a neighbors apartment. She was so excited to see these colorful birds up close and she needed me to SKYPE her with the webcam so I could see them as well. There were about 5 of different colors in a large cage. I saw our common pet through new eyes and it was a joy.

I'll try to record as best I can our journey. Thank you for sharing it with us.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Class News Letter September 6, 2009

Halima and Jesse are in  Phoenix

  • Halima and Jesse are in Phoenix
  • Bill Smith surgery on the 16th
  • Carl's son-difficulties
Class went to WW Cousins
Thanks to Carl and Carol for bringing cookies
Email suggestions for next study to
Jim Pippen at
Suggestions are Romans, spiritual warfare, or one of the gospels
We have a new class blog at

September birthdays and anniversaries
Greg Harler 9/14
Mary Payton 9/21
Jerry Harler 9/30
Linda & Mike Brumback 9/8
Please let me know if I've missed someone.

We will be out of town this week. If you have an immediate prayer need please contact Beth Cecil at
We are in chapter 2 of James.


Friday, September 4, 2009

PEACE:Anchor in the Storm

1 Peter 3:1 In the same way, wives continue being appropriately submitted to your own husbands in order that any of them, who have not allowed themselves to be persuaded to believe the word, might, without being preached at, be won by way of your turned around manner of life. 2 This can happen as they scrutinize your pure transformed way of life with great trepidation. 3 Let your decoration not be the outward dressing up you do, such as the style of your hair, and the jewelry you wear, or the clothes you put on, 4 but rather let your decoration be the unseen person you are in your heart. Be decorated by an inner peace toward God, and an inner spirit that is undisturbed by circumstances. This kind of adornment does not wear out. This greatly honors God. 5 In fact, in this way, in past times, holy women who were putting their hope for salvation in God so decorated themselves while following after their own husbands. 6 For example, Sarah, because she was believing God, obeyed Abraham calling him lord. In so doing, you become children of Sarah, and do not have to be afraid of anything terrible.
7 You husbands, have the same kind of nature, sojourning together with your wives according to the knowledge that she is a weaker vessel. Give her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life so as not to render fruitless your prayers. (TWT)

We live in a world that is anything but peaceful. Both in our personal lives and in our cultural environment, conflict, turmoil, and stress are often the order of the day. People writing books and giving workshops on how to do certain skills and techniques in order to cope make fortunes. These can be helpful to a certain extent, but are not in any way what is possible according to God’s word. A sad commentary lies in the fact that you can find about as many “how to” books written for Christians as there are for the secular world. However, dressing up stress-management, conflict resolution, and the like in Christian jargon, with bible verses and spiritual disciplines thrown in, is no more the best answer for believers

The biblical perspective knows nothing of such approaches to resolving conflict. Certainly scripture instructs us to resolve conflicts with our neighbors and brothers while at the same time recognizing that such is not always possible. In Romans 12:18, Paul puts it this way, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live peaceably with everyone.” (NIV) Jesus, in Matthew 5:23-24 tells us to leave our gift for Him at the altar and go make reconciliation with our brother who has something against us. Then, we can offer our gift. Jesus, in Matthew 18:15-17, also recognized that resolving external conflict is not always possible because He gives a procedure for dealing with brothers who are unwilling to make peace.

So, what then is the key for believers to find peace in a world without peace? The answer is simple, yet complex, simple in that it involves coming to understand a key biblical truth, and complex in that this truth flies in the face of all conventional “wisdom”.

This “wisdom” tells us that there is a high correlation between our circumstantial environment and inner tranquillity. It certainly tells us that externally, we must manipulate and control our circumstances until they are judged by us as “good”, eliminating all that are judged by us as “bad”. This “wisdom” also tells us that internal and external peace result from our efforts when appropriately implemented. We can do all things without God. Much of this contemporary “wisdom” insists that there is a causal relationship that flows back and forth between external and internal peace. The theme goes like this, “If we are at peace within we will bring peace to the world, and if we bring peace to the world we will be at peace within.” The only problem with all of this “wisdom” is that peace does not work that way. God sees it differently. (1 Corinthians 1:20b, “Has not God made all the wise philosophy of this world to be foolish absurdity?” [TWT])

Let us examine several key scripture passages that define for us peace as God sees it and intends for us to experience it. At the conclusion of His ministry, Jesus told His disciples in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you, not as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid.” (NIV) In this simple statement, Jesus said several things that are key if we are to understand what God intends for us.

First, real inner peace is a gift. There are no “how to’s” to inner peace that work. There are no secular or spiritual disciplines, in and of themselves, that will produce it. Jesus gives it. This is why He said that He does not give it like the world does. Believers are not taught by scripture to try to be peaceful. Paul in both His greetings and conclusions to his letters always couples grace and peace. He knew full well that peace is as much a gift that cannot be earned or deserved as is God’s grace, which is His loving favor.

Second, Jesus indicates that true inner peace is not only given by God, but is also, both qualitatively and quantitatively, different from peace as the world sees it. Qualitatively, peace does not flow from things the world sees as giving peace. Quantitatively, it doesn’t come and go with circumstantial changes.
Third, the peace spoken of by Christ is not something the believer must look forward to receiving down the road in his walk with God. In John 14:27, “leave” and “give” in the Greek are in a tense that indicates that Jesus is continually leaving His peace with us and continually giving His peace to us.

Fourth, the net result of Jesus’ peace is hearts that are not troubled and fear that dissipates. (1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” [NIV])

A passage that beautifully expresses this God given peace is found in I Peter 3:1-4. Most standard translations translate verse four “a gentle and quiet spirit.” We believe there is a more literal and fuller meaning to these words, “but rather let your decoration be the unseen person you are in your heart. Be decorated by an inner peace toward God, and an inner spirit that is undisturbed by circumstances. This kind of adornment does not wear out. This greatly honors God.” (TWT)

Peter wrote these instructions to women who were living in circumstances that normally were anything but peaceful and undisturbing. These were believing wives married to unbelieving husbands. Peter, in 1 Peter 3:7, also tells believing men to be adorned with this same inner peace toward God. Notice several things about God’s peace in this passage. This is critical since Peter is really dealing with the peace Jesus talked about in John 14.

First, the peace that comes from God and truly anchors one’s life is not a benign acceptance of one’s circumstantial fate, or being at peace with one’s self. It is being at peace toward God! We know that in the cross of Christ, God was reconciling us to Himself, and in our redemption through faith in Christ, we become reconciled in our hearts toward God. However, as we come to know the God who has redeemed us, we come to understand that He holds us in His hand, inseparable from Him and the peace that exists between us. (John 10:28, Romans 8:35-39) We come to know that our eternal God knows exactly what He is doing, and we rejoice in that knowledge. We come to know that in Christ we are beyond ever being harmed in any way that has eternal consequences. Circumstances may be painful, unpleasant, dangerous, and even fatal, but they cannot touch us in any way that is truly meaningful now or eternally in our relationship with God. That, brothers and sisters, is the peace that passes understanding.

Second, Peter notes that this peace toward God is not disturbed by our circumstances. Since God gives this peace toward Him in our redemption through Christ, no circumstantial tragedy, pain, suffering, or blessing for that matter, can take it away. When a believer is obsessed around circumstances it only reveals one’s spiritual immaturity. Something is wrong when we are more concerned that God change our circumstances than change us and leave our circumstances as they are. It is better that God remake us in our circumstances than remake our circumstances around us. In this world that screams otherwise, it is difficult to truly believe this great truth; it is not our circumstances that harm us in any meaningful way. Rather, it is our lack of the knowledge of the God who redeems us that harms us. One of the saddest scenes on earth played out time and time again is the believer who becomes angry with God, walking away in a spiritual pout because tragedy, pain, and disappointment has shattered one’s circumstances in life. The sadness in this scene stems from a lack of knowledge of God and the faith that knowledge produces. Such believers do not understand the fact that one’s peace toward God has not truly been disturbed, nor God’s peace toward that one. Only one’s external circumstances have been touched.

Lastly, Peter tells them to “be decorated” with this inner peace. This, in the Greek, is in the passive voice. Our outer decorations are those things that we put on. Our inner self is the adornment which God, in Christ, puts on us. If we are redeemed it is there, within us already. When circumstances crush us down, look inward and upward, not outward. That is where our anchor is that holds in any storm. May God be praised!†


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