Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Halima's Story

As a young Muslim girl in Somalia growing up in an orphanage in Mogadishu, Halima knew she had no hope of Allah choose her to go to heaven. She had no family, no clan, and no opportunity to go to the mosque or to Mecca. She was doomed to do to hell after she left this life.
Her life in Somalia, as for millions of her countrymen, was a hell on earth. She had only known war, shooting, dead bodies in the street, never knowing peace in her country or peace in her soul. Blessedly she had “good mamas” until she was seven, but after that she lived out her life under the abuse of a hellacious “bad mama.” She had no hope, but God loved her and sent an Ethiopian teacher to her school.
Faith, that was her name, told her of Jesus who could get her into heaven. She dreamed she would someday find this Jesus. “I knew my life on earth was like hell and I didn’t think it would ever be better but maybe with Jesus I have the hope of going to Heaven.”
At 14 year of age the gunmen came to the orphanage and destroyed it killing many. The “bad mama” ran away with Halima and the other children to a village. They survived there until she was 17. People from the village agreed to take her illegally across the border to Kenya. It was Halima ‘s chance to find Jesus in this Christian nation. She then went on her own to find her Somali age-mates in Nairobi and was imprisoned and assaulted by two Kenyan men as she travelled alone. After a week she was dropped in the city at night, alone and scared. She found her way to some Somalis and eventually did meet up with her friends.
Still seeking Jesus, she knew even more than ever she was damned since for Muslims rape is the shame of the woman not the men. Then she was thrown out of where she was staying because the woman recognized Halima was pregnant. This realization was the final straw…her shame was public. She lost her voice and can only speak in a whisper. But God didn’t forget Halima in her pain and suffering. She met a young Kenyan woman.
Faith, that was her name as well, and she told her more about Jesus. She brought Halima to church where she encountered the love of Jesus in his people. She believed and was baptized by a missionary. Fearing for her life she went to a town outside of Nairobi with the missionaries and had her baby, Jessie, Beloved of God. When Jessie was 18 months old they came to the United Stated as refugees to live with the Pippens who she met in Kenya.
Halima now has hope. Life is not easy but she has the peace of God and is assured of Heaven.


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