Thursday, January 21, 2010

Alex's Story

This is what Alex, the oder young man in Narok, sent to me to share with you about who he is. I'll try to get something on Banko as well.

I was born on 8th Dec 1990 and I am the 2nd born of my parents. They called me Alex, meaning a leader , perhaps they prophesy I will one day become one. Twelve years after I was born, my parents died of mysterious diseases. My mother was first to go , she had persistent cough and painful biol all over her body. My father followed . He too became weak and emaciated. I couldn't know what was wrong with them but later I was told my parents died of AIDS.I don't want to say much about them , this might make me do more crying than writing .
When my parent died, my only uncle took care of my siblings and I, his farm was unproductive ,i grew up with his children. There was a year in which there was no rain . The land was really dry and famine struck, we used to go without food for days. To save the family from sure deaths,my uncle took a bold move and sold my parent small piece of land, this gave us steady supply of food for some months. It came a time when my uncle was unable to cater for our seemingly-doomed-family and I was forced to go to the streets, I ate from the dustbins the bread scraps, leftovers and rotten foods, but I thank God He restored my health, I slept to the cold corridor without blanket for many days, Dogs barking in the dark were my music, I em brassed drugs and alcohol to sooth my stress.
When I finally sat my primary level exams and passed with flying colors, I joined NAROK HIGH SCHOOL through the hands of well wishers and application of bursary which wasn't guarantee. I have been in and out of school due to financial problems until God sent MOM KATHLEEN PIPPEN, who paid for my form four exams,i pray that God will bless her endlessly.
My greatest desire now is to join university the coming year, so that I achieve my dreams of being a Doctor, I know whatever God is doing in my life , I am not taking for granted but one it will be a testimony,therefore I promise any good thing I will gain in my education, I will reciprocate not only to my poor brothers but to the entire community as well and I belie ave in God's word that with Him everything is possible.
Hebrews 12:2
Thanks and God bless you


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